Fallout Day 25

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I had set out to build a chain of power armor stations to repair my armor at, so that I could head further on Minutemen missions and not have to backtrack so far when my armor is damaged.  That’s next on my to-do list.


I decide to finish looting Vault 114 first though. And MacReady is going to help me. Then I’ll head to Diamond City to sell a few things and take Piper around to see my settlements. I like to imagine that will let the press get a scoop on the triumphant return of the Minutemen, but I know such scripting is unlikely in this game. Piper’s functioning as a reporter is interesting in that an issue was published after giving my interview, and the game could make use of this to report on my doings in later issues of the paper (in a manner similar to the changing radio reports of goings-on in Fallout 3). Especially if Piper is with me and gets the inside scoop, that would add a personalized touch to the game. If the script only selected from a few accomplishments to trigger the stories, it doesn’t seem like it would be that difficult or costly to accomplish.


I feel a bit bad about going back to Vault 114 after talking us into a truce, previously. But if I hadn’t been a smooth talker, they would have tried to kill us, so I feel partially justified in going back and trying to kill them. They’re hostile when I get back there, but MacReady and I take them out easily, even Skinny Malone. The Master safe I left in here sure doesn’t have much valuable loot.


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MacReady voices the opinion that he’d rather have taken his chances outside than be stuffed in here to avoid the bombs. Of course, only the ghouls know how bad it really was in the early days. I turn on the radio while I loot. The announcer really has gotten much better and I’m a bit proud of helping him get there.


Once in Diamond City I sell some things. I’m quite overburdened with a lot of junk I’m carrying for the purposes of settlement development still. I decide to stop by the paper and pick up Piper. I send MacCready to Sanctuary when prompted. May as well keep all my companions in one place, and where they can defend the settlement. I wonder how long that contract with MacCready is anyway. 200 caps seems like a good deal for a never-ending contact. It’s certainly not because he enjoys my company.


Piper doesn’t seem to have a weapon, so I give her a submachine gun I’ve been saving to give to my settlers, and all my .45 ammo, which I don’t use. We head out. By 8pm we have a power armor station at Oberland Station. I don’t have enough fiberglass or circuitry to build more stations so I head back to Sanctuary, hoping I have stored some there. It is early morning with dawn barely breaking, so I catch a couple of hours of shut-eye for a well-rested bonus.

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