Fallout Day 28

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I wake well rested and decide to head to the nearby Gorski Cabin to search for a source of copper. If I can’t find one, I’ll head to the Drumlin Diner. The traders there might have something for me, and I can unload some of the loot I’ve been collecting. Once I get this settlement started I can make the overland trek to County Crossing, but who knows what I might encounter on the way.

On the way to the cabin I’m attacked by bloatflies, but they’re no more than a nuisance at this point. I find a hot plate with the copper I need (some circuitry as well, hot plates are valuable salvage), but I decide to head to the trader anyway. I trade my loot for 87 caps and several items I know will make useful crafting materials, then fast travel back to the settlement.

I connect the beacon, so that’s one task accomplished. I want to build a power armor station here, but I realize I lack the oil for it, though I remember seeing oil cans at the nearby Wicked Shipping. When I get there, I realize my resources might be better used elsewhere, since Wicked Shipping is not far away and already has a power armor station.

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I park my armor there and do some upgrades, as well as switch out the blue headlamp I added for cosmetic reasons for the more practical sounding Bright Headlamp. Then it’s back to the Co-Op to store the extra material, where I find we have our first settler! I set about making things comfortable for him and any future settlers, including a start on their food, water, and quite a bit of defense with two turrets. Which is good, as I can’t seem to find Professor Goodfeels to man the guard posts I also built.

I store a number of good crafting materials here. It will be good to have another storage place for materials that’s closer to the rest of the wastes. It’s getting late, so with the sun setting I fast travel back to Sanctuary.  We’re getting more settlers and are short on beds again, so before retiring for the night I build a large metal prefab shack on one of the empty foundations as a sort of communal dwelling for new settlers. It’s not fancy, but it will do the trick.

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