Fallout Day 40

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Level 24 (3 Perk points floating)
S-3 Armorer 1,
P-(+)10 Rifleman 1, Locksmith 3
C-6 Lady Killer 1, Local Leader 2
I-6 Gun Nut 1, Hacker 3, Science 1
A-(+)6 Gunslinger 3, Action Boy 2
(Astoundingly Awesome 8, Barbarian 5, Covert Operations, Gift of Gab, Junktown Vendor 2, Massachusetts Surgery, Tesla Science, Tumblers Today, Wasteland Survival 7 and 9)


“Long night,” Piper says upon waking. I’m wondering when they will run out of different scripted wake-up dialogue. As we move back through the vault she muses, “They must have spent a fortune on these places. Selling a chance for a future…” We move through the now once again empty hallways. It strikes me that they send teams of these Gunners to secure sites like this, sites myself and one companion clear out every day. I wonder who hires the Gunners or directs their movements. We get in the elevator and leave this place.


When we reach the surface, there’s a new trap near the barred doors. A Tesla arc that wasn’t here before. Is this a glitch, or has something set this trap since we went in? I disarm it and head outside. It is still dark, with the very first blue light of dawn on the horizon. I’m trying to get my bearings and enjoy the scenery when a landmine starts going off near me. I barely get out of the way in time. This mine couldn’t have been here before either. This is worrisome. Can I trust anywhere I’ve been before in this town now?


I see a figure strolling towards me through the darkness ahead. Dressed somewhere between a raider and a settler. It’s a woman named Ness, and she doesn’t appear hostile. I lower my gun and she approaches, “Hey buddy, you lookin’ to earn some caps?” I say it depends, and she start’s talking about a crashed jet. “The Skylanes jet? I’ve been there.” I matter-of-factly say. She seems surprised, but recovers, saying “Well, I think I can still get something out of it.” I continue, worried that I’m being a bit too honest, but confident me and Piper can take her if she starts anything, “You mean the hidden compartment? Found that too.” She’s disappointed, saying she thought she was the only one who knew, but says I found it first fair and square and thanks me for saving her the time searching an empty plane. Then she goes off to find a new lead.




I consider going directly to the strange structure I’ve seen a couple of times on the outskirts of town, visible from the school, but decide to work my way there through the town in my systematic search pattern. I head through a gate facing that direction, which doesn’t look like it will head there directly, and into the back lot behind some building.




I spot a legendary feral reaver in the gap between some freight crates and pull out my sniper rifle. There were at least three ghouls, but by the time I get my rifle out they are no longer in view. I hop on some nearby crates for a better position. I snipe a sleeping feral in the head and another comes this direction. I headshot it as well, then put one in its chest to double-tap. After than, the ghouls start coming from multiple sides to the sound of my gun. I’m feeling good at how I’m taking them out with the sniper rifle, but soon have to jump back to safety. The ghoul that got close is too stupid to jump down into the lot with me though. Piper kills him while I reload. There are more out there though, including the legendary.


I jump back up and scan the area. I know where they are, but I don’t have a clean shot. I cautiously move forward and, as the sun comes up, they show themselves again out in the open. I take down the other three, including the legendary, with 4 shots. Not bad. I head back out the gate with Piper. We can loot the bodies when we get to the other side. More of the town to see, but not much other than a billboard that I find interesting.




As I continue towards the SE outskirts of town, my Pip Boy picks up a distress signal. There is just static and a fairly constant beeping. Soon, I find that as I move, my HUD updates me with the increasing or decreasing signal strength. This is an interesting mechanic I haven’t seen yet, and is enough to garner my interest. As I pass what must be the entrance gate to this large industrial complex, I’m rushed by a ghoul I must have missed. Wouldn’t have managed to kill it before it reached me on my own, but Piper finishes it off. I’m alerted that this place is Medtek Research.




In the parking garage I find perhaps one of the ghouls I sniped earlier (or maybe killed by something else). Around the corner I find a nice cozy setup and the body of the unfortunate settler who lived here. Sad, but all too frequent. I step out of my power armor briefly and use her weapons bench. I’ve been meaning to update my guns. I want to cannibalize some gun parts to use on others, but the interface is quite confusing, and not very informative as to which guns can use which parts. Even some parts that have the same label are not transferable between guns (between an Institute pistol and a regular laser pistol, for example). I resort to saving in between attempted modifications to save materials that would otherwise be wasted in trial and error. I improve my Institute pistol and my Incendiary sniper rifle enough to justify a switch to those two, but there are still better parts on the other guns that I can’t quite cannibalize because the system won’t let you remove parts without replacing them with another part. A flawed system all around, even beyond how unintuitive it is. Now I need to continue saving both sets of guns so I can finish the job later. I decide to use my extra favorited spots I’m not using just so I don’t accidentally sell them.




I have the impression that time does continue to run while crafting, as it is now mid-morning. The rest of the parking garage is empty apart from more dead ghouls and another dead settler on the roof. The way scenes like this are laid out across the wastes, it would seem nice couples like this might be set up for some time until presumably wandering packs of feral ghouls arrive. I briefly wonder about feral ghoul ecology. It seems they do tend to set up lairs and stay for awhile, so I wonder what causes them to go on the move in search of a new lair. I find the corpse of the legendary ghoul I shot earlier. It has a leather left arm armor piece that reduces damage from robots by 15%. Could be handy, but probably isn’t worth holding onto.



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I run around and test out the distress signal strength. It isn’t coming from the Medtek place, as I first suspected, but from somewhere beyond the outskirts of town. I’m getting warmer as I approach a completely destroyed building with long-dead corpses in a trail leading from it, some in military garb.




The quest The Lost Patrol begins, telling me to investigate the battle site. There, I find Knight Varham in full power armor (well, minus the helmet). I find a Battlefield Holotape, Holotags, and a BOS Uniform (which I only assume to mean Brotherhood of Steel). Maybe I was wrong about how long dead we’re talking about here. Varham’s body, at least, is completely intact. The holotape speaks of an ambush on the road and scuttling the armor so the ambushers can’t have it. They’re heading towards the National Guard military base, which is not too far away and, conveniently, directly in route to County Crossing, where we’re headed to help out the settlers.




Unfortunately, the power armor has been fused with the ground and is unusable, though you would think I could remove that tantalizingly near power core. I loot the ammo scattered around, the meds in the bathroom, and then crack the safe to find some good loot (including a cryo grenade which I haven’t seen before, and a Stealth Boy). I’d like to continue pursuing the missions I have, but I just can’t leave part of the town unexplored, so I head back to Medtek.




This lobby ranks among the creepiest places I’ve seen for some reason. Perhaps the unnerving statues. I grab some cash behind the desk and look at the reception terminal. It seems the site is on containment lockdown. Always a good sign. I unlock the nearby security room, which has a bit more alcohol in it than I’d expect from good security, and check out their terminal. It helpfully tells me the same thing. I bypass the elevator for now, grab some Nuka Cherry from the vending machine, and head towards the back.




There’s an airlock of some sort that won’t allow me access because of containment. It seems like I’ll have to find a way to shut that containment down. I head left into some sort of locker room, turning on my headlamp and going out of sneak mode. I switch from my 10mm to my laser rifle which will better handle sudden attacks. I don’t like the way it blocks the right side of my vision in these close quarters, but it has the highest damage/fire rate of and of my guns. There’s a dead scientist bent over the toilet, and some mentats. I move on.




I surprise a feral ghoul roamer in the next room and take it out in two shots before it stands up. Another corpse with some cash in the public men’s room, and two stimpaks in the ladies room. The upstairs room is full of terminals and swarming with ghouls, but fortunately they’re all upstairs in what soon becomes a shooting gallery for me. I do quite well until a ghoul from downstairs sneaks up behind Piper. I beat it to death and barely have time to turn around and kill the others before they reach me.




The office across the way is mostly empty apart from a cigarette carton and something that convinces me I need to watch my step up here, as I almost fall through a gap in the floor. I climb a ramp to the gallery, and in an office the level above that are two ghouls, but I’m chewing bubblegum and kicking ass (by which I mean I took enough damage I have to pop some bubblegum to heal 10 hp). I do wonder how a bottle of Bobrov’s Best moonshine got up here though, given it’s presumably a post-bomb beverage. I like how this place clearly has its own aesthetic, with cylindrical file cabinets completely different from the cabinets at other office buildings.




I open the door to the next room and am swarmed by more ghouls than I can immediately handle, even with an executed critical. I’m not down too low, but they gave me some radiation poisoning as well. Good thing I have 111 stimpaks and 54 radaways. There’s a terminal in the next room that can’t be hacked and requires Jacob’s Password to unlock. Which frankly seems like a bunch of BS to me because I can hack Master terminals. Who was this Jacob master white hat hacker and why was he working at a medical company? There’s a perilous ramp through a hole in the floor nearby which might be the route to take.


It leads to an area otherwise not accessible. There’s a further drop, but no way up from this one. I take the plunge and find myself back in the basement. I’ve looked around the whole place and can’t find the password. I assume it might be for another quest I haven’t got yet, but I can’t stand thinking I missed it so I look it up online. Turns out it is part of another quest, and good old MacReady can give the password (though some say the password can be found in Covenant, but I searched Covenant fairly well and am not sure it’s time to go back there). Time to just move on.


The sun is setting by the time we leave the building, so it looks like we’ll be spending one last night in Malden Center after all. I decide we’ll got back to the house near the sinkhole. First, I stop to repair my power armor at the station in the center of town. Then, to do something about that perk floating, I decide to get the Awareness perk so I can see an enemy’s damage resistance in VATS. I keep forgetting to do that. I’m down another fusion core by the time I reach the house and hit the mattress at 8:30.

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