Fallout Day 50

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Level 27 (2 Perk points floating)
S-3 Armorer 2,
P-(+)11 Awareness, Locksmith 3, Rifleman 2
C-6 Lady Killer 1, Local Leader 2
I-6 Gun Nut 1, Hacker 3, Science 2
A-(+)7 Action Boy 2, Gunslinger 3
(Astoundingly Awesome 7 and 8, Barbarian 5, Covert Operations 2, Gift of Gab, Junktown Vendor 2, Massachusetts Surgery, Tesla Science, Tumblers Today, Wasteland Survival 7 and 9)


NOTE: I’m going to switch to doing these only once a week from now on, either Monday or Tuesday, as I’m out of my surplus material and no longer have time to play Fallout enough for an every weekday blog post.


It’s a beautiful morning, and I’ve got another board here tempting me to jump and take the quick way down. I worry that would interrupt my highway plan, but it looks like I may be able to land myself on the highway near where I came in. I stick the landing easily, but after wandering for quite some time towards my goal I realize the real problem is that Dogmeat doesn’t seem to be able to follow from there. So I reload and coax him back down the elevator. Then I realize there’s an elevator I still haven’t checked out in here.




The elevator leads down into a diner-like room. It is empty, other than some bottle cap mines that I shoot. Fun fact: when you shoot bottle cap mines there’s a confetti-like explosion and then you get to collect some caps. This seems to be ground level again, so I head back up to the highway.




It isn’t long before I can see my quest target across the bay, I just have to hope the highway takes me there, and that Dogmeat can follow. The highway is free from enemies and serves as a great way to get around, as I suspected. Also as I suspected, there are no easy exit points. Dogmeat cannot even handle a small 2 foot jump. I command him to go there and he runs the other direction, presumably to follow some very obscure pathing that CAN get him there. Someday I may test it out to see just how long it takes him, but I don’t have time for that and I’m getting frustrated. Again, this game has TERRIBLE companion pathing. Bethesda could solve a huge problem for many of its player in this area by simply employing the teleport-to-me when I get to far away system that Skyrim makes use of. The loss in realism would be more than made up for by ease of use. I make a save file, then decide to dismiss Dogmeat back to Sanctuary. I’ll go the rest of the way alone.






Once across the bay, I spot some Brotherhood of Steel folks down below clearing out some raiders. This seems like as good a spot as any to jump down. I want a clear shot to my objective while I still have fusion cores left for my armor.




I head down the street by the bay, stopping to kill some bloodbugs. Fortuitously, the shed the bloodbugs were hanging around happens to have a power armor station in it. I wish there was some way to mark all of these on my map. With the materials I have on me, combined with what I am able to find in the garage, I manage to fully repair my armor here. I’m also able to improve the resistance of my regular armor at the nearby armor workbench.




I move quickly and as stealthily as possible towards my objective, stopping only to kill enemies directly in my way. Ducking past some mirelurks, I step into some alleyways in this little seaside district of town. I do pass the Gwinnett Brewery on the way, though I seem to hear combat around there, so I give it a wide berth.




There’s another Brotherhood patrol accompanied by a helicopter up ahead clearing the way for me. I try to travel in their wake to avoid unnecessary combat. Soon I’m in the middle of the firefight anyway as raiders in a compound near South Boston High School are coming out, so I flank them with the Brotherhood and after a prolonged firefight clear them. I take some damage, but nothing a stimpak and some bubblegum won’t fix.




I decide to avoid the high school for now and skirt around it. For a big mission like this I need to conserve resources. Now on the south side docks of this little peninsula, I spot a freakish looking dolphin corpse. This must be what’s roaming the seas nowadays.




I see the fort loom closer in a gap between two buildings. This was certainly the right route to take, as my main foes have been mirelurks along the way, and these are easily put down. Once I establish a foothold here, I can sweep out and more thoroughly explore the area.




Finally, I see some Minutemen. They’re holed up in some joint called Ivans. I imagine they served good seafood and beer before the bombs dropped. It’s early evening, just after 5 pm, when I head over and talk to Preston.



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The various militiamen (and militiawomen) assembled each give some advice on how to handle things. Head in through either the main entrance or the back, split up to flank through both openings, or try to draw them out. No one has really explained to me who exactly we’re drawing out or flanking here, so I ultimately choose to draw them out. If I knew exactly what I should be prepared for, I would probably have gone with the pincer attack though.








Of course, none of these options is explained terribly well. By “draw them out” it apparently means these guys will line up and then I need to get whatever it is to come forward and attack. I try standing on a guard post, but still can’t see into the area, so I reluctantly sneak in. This is not what I had in mind.




Turns out, what we’re fighting here seems to be nothing more than mirelurks. I step forward, snipe a couple, then fall back as they approach so the firing line can finish them off. Probably the best tactic against dumb beasts anyway. I do this several times until the Minutemen storm the castle. I equip my pistol and follow suit, but I soon find they’re being swarmed by hatchlings so I switch back to my sniper rifle and pick them off from afar.




As I approach, Preston is saying, “Looks like they’ve been nesting. We’ll have to take out the eggs.” After we all gather around, he says “Here’s how it’s going to go, you remain here in the courtyard and clear out any eggs you find. The general and I will clear the walls. Let’s do this general.” I’m glad he’s got a sure plan, but I don’t really feel like a general being ordered about like that.


As the sun sets, I head up the earthen ramp to the nearby wall. The others are down below shooting eggs, but I think I have something better. I pull out my newly discovered flamer and torch them. It works like a charm! When hatchlings pour out, they get incinerated immediately, instead of hanging around to attack me.




Suddenly, I see an alert asking me to kill the Mirelurk Queen. I’ve dealt with one of those before and it took a considerable amount of chems to get through the fight. They don’t look quite as scary from up here though. Still, I decide to even the playing field with some new toys. I try the syringer rifle, but cannot for the life of me figure out how to load the syringes I’ve crafted and end up taking one myself. Even online I can find no help on how to do this. Eventually by playing around I realize that if you pull the trigger it brings up a menu to load the ammo. Nowhere is this explained.


I get no noticeable effect from the endagerol I use on the Mirelurk Queen, even though I use a crit to make sure it hits. It spits acid at me, which does quite a bit of damage. I stimpak then switch to my sniper rifle+ drugs combo. It turns out to take more than I thought, including several Nuka Cola Quantums for renewed action points as I have to run all over the walls to stay away from not only the queen, but swarms of hatchlings that are still erupting from… somewhere. It isn’t clear since we destroyed almost all the nests. After defeating the queen, I pull out my flamethrower and roast the remaining hatchlings. In this power armor, you’d think stepping on them would be enough.


I run out of fuel and have to switch to my pistol, running into the hallways of the fort itself to at least keep them clustered. One room has a Legendary Glowing Mirelurk. It gives me some trouble, and I have to resort to another psychojet, which gets me addicted to psycho drugs. My reward for killing it is a VATS Enhanced Synth Left Leg to match the one I’ve got on my arm. I really appreciate the 10% reduction in Action Point costs with how much VATS I use.




I find a missile launcher and more flamer fuel as well. Looking around as I start to clear the place out more, I see it already has a lot of settlement features still intact. It won’t take too much to get it up and running again, hopefully. With all the mirelurks dead, I enjoy a peaceful view from the Castle’s walls out onto the bay.




Then I head down to the courtyard, where I only see one Minuteman aside from Preston. A dead Minuteman lies nearby. I wonder if the rest didn’t make it either. Next to where the Minuteman is sitting is a nice copy of Guns and Bullets called “Plasma: The Weapon of Tomorrow” which, oddly, increases my critical damage with ballistic weapons by 5%. I’m not sure whether plasma gun would count as ballistic. I suspect Guns and Bullets functions like Grognak the Barbarian—different issues that each give the same bonus stacking on each other, rather than something like Wasteland Survival where each issue gives a completely different bonus.




I follow the instructions to power up the beacon, glad I actually have enough material to build two medium generators for once, as this thing requires a lot of power. This adds a radio station called Radio Freedom, in addition to, I assume, acting as a recruitment beacon.




I talk to Preston. He seems genuinely overwhelmed at what we’ve accomplished. Much as I’m annoyed by the guy, I’m glad I’ve given him a bit of hope. Of course, then he continues, “With radio freedom up and running, I’ll be able to broadcast alerts to you anywhere, anytime.” Great, just what I need. Now even avoiding talking to Preston won’t be enough to avoid the poorly designed Minutemen quests.




Preston ends his conversation, as he always does, by giving me another quest. This time, however, apparently someone’s been kidnapped. I’m actually surprised to get a more unique quest, and the kidnap victim (versus the typical clear out this one nest of baddies out of the countless nests of baddies nearby) conveys more of a sense of urgency. Still, it has been a busy day, and my power armor is almost completely out of fusion cores, so I decide to call it a night for now.

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