Fallout Day 58

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Level 29
S-3 Armorer 2,
P-(+)11 Awareness, Locksmith 3, Rifleman 2
C-6 Lady Killer 1, Local Leader 2
I-9 Gun Nut 1, Hacker 3, Science 2
A-(+)7 Action Boy 2, Gunslinger 4
(Astoundingly Awesome 7 and 8, Barbarian 5, Covert Operations 2, Gift of Gab, Guns and Bullets, Junktown Vendor 2, Massachusetts Surgery, Tesla Science 2, Tumblers Today, Wasteland Survival 7 and 9)


I get a head start on the day and build my new settlement here some guard posts. Fortunately, they have more food than they need, so assigning one of them to guard duty doesn’t hurt. That done, I head back to finish gathering materials for whatever the robots on that ship were trying to do, though I’m not fast-traveling this time.




We come across Easy City Downs, where the robot races are still going. “Let’s watch and see who wins!” Preston remarks. We do watch one pass, but then I elect to sneak past the track and see about these raiders. They are immediately hostile, of course, though you’d think they’d want to run some sort of gambling ring around these robots to pull in some caps.


I duck into the nearby structure, which turns out to be the robot repair and storage center. Preston gets burnt up pretty good by some sort of explosion near some oil barrels, but I play it smart and stay well in cover, sniping enemies as they shoot at us wildly. Ol’ Rusty the racing robot makes 3-5 laps around the track during the shootout, oblivious, before things cool down and I snipe the two remaining raiders when they come out from behind some shacks.


I locate the nearby Robot Control Terminal, which I suppose I could have used to get the robots on my side for the fight. Instead, I activate the reserve racers. I’d rather just watch them race. The raiders had an interesting place here. Another place I wish I could turn into a settlement.




I make some drugs at the nearby chem station, and find some stimpaks and addictol nearby as well. They had a well-equipped, if somewhat open and indefensible setup, with a cool catwalk from which to view the robot racing. The real jackpot is at the most well fortified outpost at the end of the catwalk, where an ammo box has four fusion cores.






I only loot crucial items and weightless items, as well as some things with circuitry or fiberoptic materials. Around noon, I’m done looting the center camp and notice the catwalk extends to some nearby ruined buildings.




At the other end of the walk I find a dead triggerman with Eager Ernie’s key, that I sort of recall sniping in this direction earlier. Though he doesn’t look like any of the raiders, they were firing on me from over here. Soon, I hear a voice and lo and behold, Eager Ernie himself has a tommygun pointed at me. I suppose he was hiding hoping I didn’t come this way or something? Regardless, I make quick work of him.

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The note on the triggerman’s body is revealing. Apparently this WAS some sort of mafioso gambling operation with the races rigged and some tribute exacted on them from someone named Wire and some place/group called Libertalia. They were looking for a way to further rig the races to up their income. This seems like an incredibly interesting subplot completely ruined by everything going aggro on me immediately instead of letting me come in and bet. Previous Fallouts allowed you to associate with horrible people and good people to make your way in the world, but this Fallout is disappointing in its insistence on a us/them dynamic when it comes to raiders.




Whatever was going on here, Eager Ernie won’t be running anything anymore, and Wire won’t be getting his/her cut. It would be amazing if this led to some repurcussions, but I doubt that it will. Another wasted opportunity.


I pick up a copy of Tumblers Today nearby, and then proceed to look around. While slightly nicer than the raider digs in ambience, Ernie’s place in what was once this stadium’s announcer booth (I assume) is still kind of a dump. Around the corner behind a tipped over desk there’s a chem box, but there’s also Ernie’s safe up here, almost completely hidden around a corner on the other side of the wall from his mattress. Inside is nothing much of note though. A couple of chems, a couple of grenades, and some silverware. I’d be ashamed of that low a take too.





The Master Control Terminal is up here as well, which could have unleashed all those robots on me, but apparently Eager Ernie wasn’t very smart. While I’m glad I didn’t have to fight all the robots (or worse, get surrounded by them before he initiated the self-destruct sequence) this is some disappointing enemy behavior. To suspend disbelief I will just assume that Ernie was deaf and happened to be asleep at the time of the shootout as well, and he was just getting up when he stumbled upon me in his place.


There aren’t any stairs down, and while I could jump, I prefer to go back to where I entered so I don’t miss anything. Turns out there’s nothing much to be missed on the outskirts of the area except some billboards. Most of the area is flattened or looks like it’s been buried in some sort of mud slide. Perhaps from a tidal wave after the bombs hit?






The bus parked out front has a pretty good advanced combat shotgun hidden in a duffel bag, but I can’t carry it right now even with my radstag boost. The stands seem empty, but I make some noise walking over them and I hear a voice nearby. Back behind the stands there’s a tripwire set up to provide a nasty surprise for anyone coming in through the outer door that way, with presumably a large explosion and oil all over the floor. Fortunately, coming in the opposite way from what they were expecting, it was easy for me to spot. Further in, by what I assume was concessions, there’s another triggerman and a raider. They play it smart initially, but soon come rushing at us for me to take them out before exiting the stands.


Across the way, the houses beneath the highway overpass are all empty and boarded up. Finally, I come around to the bottom floor of Ernie’s place. Here, there’s plenty of pre-war money and some caps, as well as another terminal that just controls the robots. I wish these terminals had some sort of journals on them to tell me more about this place. Disappointed, I leave, this time via the steps on the right if you’re facing the place. I set off a tripwire, but it doesn’t matter much as I’m moving away from the blast.

The sun set awhile ago, and there is a fairly dense fog, so I decide to go back to the settlement for tonight. I’ll pick up again tomorrow with the rest of this peninsula when there’s better visibility so I don’t miss anything. On my way back across the bridge towards the settlement, I pass a small Minuteman patrol, a man and a woman, leaving the place. Good to see there are more of us out and about.

The sound of the ocean is very calming, even in the apocalyptic wasteland. I build an open-air expansion alongside the family’s shack so as not to impose, with two beds for Minutemen visitors, then crash for the night.

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