Fallout Day 26

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I wake up well rested and find the Vault Tech rep I sent here. As he has prior sales experience I give him a job working at one of the stores in my village square. I see we’re short on beds, so I build some to make up the difference. I check on Dogmeat and give him his new armor before heading out. It looks good on him.


After all my efforts, I still only have enough material to build one additional power armor station. I decide on Tenpines Bluff as the furthest NE location I control to have a station in that part of the map. I arrive in the afternoon, check on the status of the settlement’s two inhabitants, and build the power armor station, then return to Sanctuary by evening. I decide to go back and revisit my vault to loot what I didn’t have the skill to unlock before, taking Piper with me. She seems to have trouble following me at first, then randomly appears in the vault.


Piper makes some comments about exploring places like this being how you end up something else’s dinner, which I assume to be random comments anytime exploring underground. I am a little disappointed as I explore the vault with her that she isn’t saying anything to reflect what I’ve told her. However, after a second in the cryo-chamber room where my wife died she says “Wait, is that who I think it is? Are you OK?” It is endearing, and I’m glad they scripted a special dialogue, though it could have been slightly more involved. I almost want to take various companions here to see what their scripted lines are. 


I finally reach the Cryolator case and unlock it. Piper likes that I “know [my] way around a bobby pin.” Well if she likes that it should be no trouble winning her approval. Preston only seems to like it when I take on or complete a mission. The cryolator is disappointingly heavy. I’m not sure I want to be carrying that around everywhere, though perhaps with my power armor I will.

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I pass Sturges on night guard duty on my way back into town. I am nearing limits on my power armor advancement, so I up my intelligence and science with the two perks I have on hand. I’m not sure if my scattered “hoard perk points and then spend them whenever I can’t do something I want” is the right way to play, but it has worked so far. I could, of course, be optimizing for survivability and improving my attack and damage, but I have been able to survive all obstacles so far (albeit with an occasional burst of multiple chems). The new science perk grants significant upgrade options for my laser gun, which I actually think will be better in the short run than the power armor improvements until I collect more resources. I do upgrade the torso to Model C, and give it a new headlamp. 


I catch a few hours sleep. Tomorrow I will head directly to clear a settlement for the Minutemen with Piper. Most Minutemen missions I undertake with Preston, but in this case I’m going with Piper for a couple.

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