Fallout Day 30

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Level 20 (1 Perk point floating)
S-3 Armorer 1,
P-(+)10 Rifleman 1, Locksmith 3
C-6 Lady Killer 1, Local Leader 2
I-6 Gun Nut 1, Hacker 2, Science 1
A-(+)6 Gunslinger 2, Action Boy 2
(Astoundingly Awesome 8, Barbarian 3, Covert Operations, Junktown Vendor, Tesla Science, Wasteland Survival 9)


I wake well rested and head into nearby Lexington with Piper. I pick up some junk on my way into town as scrap materials. “Well, if anyone could think of a good use for it…” Piper muses. Once again I appreciate her vote of confidence vs all my previous companions (Dogmeat excepted).


Lexington is a big town, so I start at the Slocum’s Joe coffee shop just off the road into town and decide to head north then circle around that way. It is mostly empty except a few caps. Then I head to the nearby parking garage. I really appreciate the signage in Lexington, and how it conveys the pre-war culture. This is likely because they intended this to be one of the first towns you encounter after Concord, but a hazard of open-world games is it is much more difficult to predict player movements. Though geographically close to the starting areas (I have skirted the city many times) I’m not exploring it until day 30.





It’s a quaint garage with only two levels. On the top level there is an intact motorcycle I REALLY want to ride. In line with the fiction, given everything I’ve been able to accomplish a working motorcycle should be no trouble at all. I do realize the near-impossibility of adding such mechanics smoothly to a game like Fallout though.





There’s a restricted, internal area of the parking garage to check out. Inside, like a walking dead episode we are set upon by more feral ghouls than I’ve seen in one place (other than the constant stream at Forest Grove Marsh). “Wanna get out of here? I don’t think we’d make pretty ghouls,” Piper chimes in after the battle. I’m still impressed with how my power armor is holding up now. There’s a legendary protectron watcher which doesn’t seem as useful now that the ghouls are dead (probably shouldn’t have barged in to shoot first), but I hack it anyway. Further on, there’s a dead Minuteman, ripped to pieces. Seems he came in from the upper entrance and killed ghouls to get that far before dying.


Zigzagging back across the street I find a quaint area behind the buildings where I imagine workers might dine or play hoops on their break. From here, I spot a part of Slocum’s Joe I hadn’t seen previously. Guess I need to pay more attention as there was a nook that led to other areas. The basement seems normal at first, but there’s a corpse under the stairs with a suitcase. The suitcase contains a Vault Tec lab coat, and a gas canister. Then the shelves across the way have a secret door built into them with an elevator. But of course it isn’t functioning. Is there a vault down here? There’s got to be another way in. I close the bookcase and leave. The upstairs is entirely caved in, so I move on.




I head back to the courtyard, where I recall seeing a door. It leads to the laundromat. The inside is disturbingly littered with bones, and a couple of intact skeletons, but it otherwise has nothing noteworthy except an overdue book. This will be the second I’ve collected, though I’m not sure they’ll come in useful. Maybe when I finally make my way to the library?


There’s a nice outdoor eating area outside the Super Duper Mart. Familiar with these from previous games, I head towards the door expecting trouble. Trouble finds me outside though. I spot a feral ghoul across an open area and snipe him. Two more come running from the house he had been crouched in but I’ve got the skills to take them out before they get to me, much different from my scary first ghoul experience. Then I spot a turret, which leads me to suspect raiders. I use my scope to snipe it, then see something big move away as it explodes. The range of my gun and scope is longer than my VATS, so I carefully snipe a raider in power armor. His range must not equal mine, or he can’t spot me, because he just tries to hide. I get him the next time he pokes his head out. There’s another up there, who runs out with big missile launcher. I take him out before he spots me with one shot. I make a note to go check their corpses later, then head into the Super Duper Mart.




Note: this is also THE place to go for Mr. Handy fuel if ever I’m in need of that.


Inside, I spot some feral ghouls that aren’t aware of me yet, and a protectron. Unfortunately, the terminal that controls the protectron isn’t nearby. I debate whether it’s worth sneaking around to look for it, or if I should just go in guns blazing. I sneak around and find a nearby office with a terminal. For the first time it says I can’t do this in power armor, which is odd because I’ve been able to operate every other terminal I’ve come across in power armor (not that I haven’t been wondering how I have such good fine motor skills with those big gauntlets). Is this a glitch? I grudgingly exit my armor, surprisingly not alerting every ghoul in the place, and get to work. I activate the protectron, crack the nearby safe (just for xp since I could have unlocked it after hacking the terminal), and let it do its job.

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I flip my light on and search the area. Piper takes care of a ghoul the protectron apparently missed. There’s some good soda, including some quantum, but not much else. I find some more ghouls later that give a slight bit of trouble. The protectron killed about three ghouls that I can tell, but we’ve already exceeded that number. Thanks, protectron. The couple at the in-store cafe that died with their arms around each other is kind of touching.




I’m learning a bit more about my character now as well. I had thought the creepy pumpkin drawings I’ve been seeing were the work of someone deranged after the war, but the Halloween sale aisle seems to confirm that the world ended shortly after Halloween. Yet my house at the beginning of the game was not decorated. So either we are very efficient at cleaning up our decorations (Codsworth may have helped) or we’re Halloween grinches.




A legendary ghoul roamer comes up out of nowhere (apparently these things hibernate until disturbed sometimes). I guess I could have used this Lucky Pipe Bolt-Action Pistol he has on him back at the beginning of the game when I was supposed to be here. Another dead Minuteman is in the room, with one of their characteristic laser rifles, some good ammo, and a fusion core nearby.




Protectron kills a ghoul in the other part of the store I thought I had cleared. I’m just feeling thankful when more ghouls come out of the back and I have to take them out all on my own. Thanks, protectron.


More ghouls pop out of the woodwork back in storage. I can see this being a very tense situation in the early game, it’s even a tad bit tense now (though not from any real sense of danger). It’s dark, the corridors are tight, and the ghouls seem to come from nowhere. Although, I feel it’s a bit cheap how they scripted the ghouls. My typical methods of spotting threats in vats or through the Caution or Danger signs when hiding aren’t quite working here, and I suspect the ghouls are popping up differently in this place for the scare factor. One charges right past me at Piper (I guess it didn’t see me hulking in armor with a flashlight on my head because I was crouched) and I barely have time to get it.


In the locker room I come across another legendary ghoul, this one with good left leg armor that will boost Agility and Perception. There’s a fusion core right next to some stairs leading down and out the building, but I choose to exit the way I came in.


It’s almost midnight by the time I exit the Super Duper Mart. I decide to explore a little more before looking for somewhere to bed down for the night. The town bank across the way is tiny, but there’s a terminal near what I presume is the safe. I’m glad that I am once again able to access terminals while in power armor once I’m out of the Super Duper Mart, where the rules of the game are all subtly shifted for some inexplicable reason. The terminal was unlocked and the vault is mostly empty, but the back of it is blown out and I spot a ghoul in the alley below. I shoot it and more come out of the woodwork, as usual.


I make it out to the north edge of town, where I see some kind of garage with a terminal next to it. I clear out some ghouls inside then seal the garage doors from the inside terminal. This would be a great place to crash the night, provided there’s an intact room on the other side of this blue door instead of a swarm of ghouls. Unfortunately, the door just leads back to the Super Duper mart. I exit and close the doors back.




Across the way, I snipe a raider. I like to to take them out on night raids when I can sneak up on them, so I head that direction. I find a narrow slot between two buildings to snipe their turret from, they still don’t know exactly where I am (despite the laser beams that should probably be lighting the way right back to me). I leave them in fear and go explore the house at the very edge of the city. I get a location discovery update that I’ve found Mystic Pines. Whatever the hell that is. Just looks like a little house.




On second thought, once I get through I see it is a small hotel or B&B or some sort of retirement facility. There’s another Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor here, “Take Your Business on the Road.” Piper asks, “Is that one worth reading?” Yes, much better than “Why I Sold My Mother” I imagine. And thank you, Piper, for not asking “Are you really going to read that here?” like Preston does. Definitely a nursing home. Lots of meds and surgical trays, and a nice little greenhouse. Lots of skeletons too, probably from when the bombs hit. Plenty of beds, so long as you don’t mind sleeping among the dead. It’s almost 4 a.m. so I exit my power armor and grab a couple of hours sleep.



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